Bulletin Board


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Bulletin Board
Safety First

We have a Bulletin Board.  Good place to talk and share ideas and such.  But there's rules.

All New Users must 1) Register entering a name, password, location and a working email address. Click on the Register link at the top of the page. 2) The Desert Dragons accepts information and sends a registration request email to the Site Administrator. NOTE: It is important that you supply sufficient information for the Administrator to be able to activate your account. NAME AND EMAIL ALONE IS NOT ENOUGH! 3) Upon approval, you will be notified your account has been activated. 4) Go back to the Bulletin Board and log in. Then take a moment to introduce yourself in the New Members Introduction Area..... Once you've registered, remember to always log in when you return. Some functions are not available if you are not signed in.

Click Here to get to the Bulletin Board.


Chat Room.... well, sort of.  Very primitive, but it will suffice until I get something better.

READ THESE INSTRUCTION FIRST: After launching the program (you'll need Java installed on your computer), at the top left it will say you are "guest".  To change that simply type your handle/nickname (NO SPACES) and hit the Enter key on your keyboard.  It will say you are now known by that name.  At the bottom type your text next to Message: and it will appear above highlighted with your name to the left of it.  Have fun!

Click Here to enter the Chat Room






This page was last updated on 12/01/07.
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For Questions,  Comments, Broken Links, Gripes, Praise, etc., contact the webmaster @
